"So he called its name Rehoboth, saying, 'For now the LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.' " Genesis 26:22b

Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Hi Everybody,

I am just doing a quick post today, but I hope you enjoy it. Our summer is rushing by at an alarming speed, we start school next week and I can’t believe that my baby brother is in 4th grade this year! Josh and Caitlin’s wedding is just around the corner, things have been crazy for both families lately. I am including some of my pics from around the farm. I hope you enjoy them.

Apple tree.

Apple tree.

Looking up the barn.

Looking up the barn.

An angle on the tractor tire makes a cool picture.

An angle on the tractor tire makes a cool picture.



Josh and Caitlin. Don't they make a cute couple?

Josh and Caitlin. Don’t they make a cute couple?

We didn't realize until after Josh had us place the crates, that he was making us carry them farther to make a nice picture, Ugh:)

We didn’t realize until after Josh had us place the crates, that he was making us carry them farther to make a nice picture, Ugh:)

Nature assortment.

Nature assortment.


Samuel just came in and said that Socks is having her kittens!! She has been looking like a bowling ball lately so this should be interesting. 🙂

All for now, I’ll post again soon.


Always Busy

Hi Everybody,

I am SO sorry that it has been such a long time since I posted!! We have been crazy busy over the last two months. As many of you know, my brother Josh is marrying Caitlin in September, I am crazy excited! So, combine that with a week of camp, hay season, a full garden, animal care, back porch building, Faith’s birthday 2 weeks ago, Daddy’s Birthday Saturday, and My birthday on Monday!!! Put all of that together and you get a VERY busy couple of months, Oh, and one of our trucks is in the shop too. I hope ya’ll enjoy these next few pictures. Oh, by the way I did not take all of these. Enjoy!

Bos'n and Tootles soon became best friends! They are so cute together.

Bos’n and Tootles soon became best friends! They are so cute together. Bos’n stretched out on the cool garage floor, Tootles decided it would be the perfect place to catch a nap. 

We survived the Jungle Run!!

We survived the Jungle Run!! Life action camp 2015.

Our cat Sally, nursing her 6 kittens. There names are, Nameless #12345 and 6.:)

Our cat Sally, nursing her 6 kittens. Their names are, Nameless #12345 and 6.:)

A beautiful rainbow brightens the dark sky.

A beautiful rainbow brightens the dark sky.

Fairy tale clouds over the woods.

Fairy tale clouds over the woods.

The garden is definitely producing this year!

The garden is definitely producing this year! Mom with a bucket full of collards.

Newest additions to the farm.

Newest additions to the farm. Adorable little ducklings. 

Samuel tubing with our camp family assistant. We had SO much fun!

Samuel tubing with our camp family assistant. We had SO much fun!

God is good!! I’ll post again soon. -GMA:)

Pigs and Easter

Easter Family Picture

Easter family picture 2015 – with Caitlin!!

Hi y’all!

Spring has really come here to the farm. These past two weeks, we’ve begun planting vegetables in our garden, and have 8 new piglets and 7 new kittens!

I don’t have any kitten pictures yet 😦 I’ll try to post those next week.

Enjoy these pictures of our piglets!

the Daddy pig - Brat

the Daddy pig – Brat

our 6 new piglets having dinner

Some of our new piglets having dinner.

Aren't they cute?

Aren’t they cute?

the little runt

the little runt



Hi y’all 🙂 Grace here!

Here are some recent pictures from around the farm. I hope you enjoy them!

I took ’em all, except the first two.

recent family photo in front of the barn

recent family photo in front of the barn

Josh and his new fiance, Caitlin!

Josh and his new fiance, Caitlin! Isn’t she beautiful!?!

Sailor, our guard dog

Sailor, our guard dog

Bos'n, Amy's dog

Bos’n, Amy’s dog



Socks in a box

Socks in a box





Farm fresh eggs, all nice and clean!

Farm fresh eggs, all nice and clean!

creek after rain

creek after rain

rocks in the bottom of the creek

rocks in the bottom of the creek

tire tracks in the grass

tire tracks in the grass

battens on the barn

battens on the barn

my feet :-)

my feet 🙂

~Grace (with a little help from Amy) 🙂