"So he called its name Rehoboth, saying, 'For now the LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.' " Genesis 26:22b

Posts tagged ‘animals’

Hi Everybody,

I am just doing a quick post today, but I hope you enjoy it. Our summer is rushing by at an alarming speed, we start school next week and I can’t believe that my baby brother is in 4th grade this year! Josh and Caitlin’s wedding is just around the corner, things have been crazy for both families lately. I am including some of my pics from around the farm. I hope you enjoy them.

Apple tree.

Apple tree.

Looking up the barn.

Looking up the barn.

An angle on the tractor tire makes a cool picture.

An angle on the tractor tire makes a cool picture.



Josh and Caitlin. Don't they make a cute couple?

Josh and Caitlin. Don’t they make a cute couple?

We didn't realize until after Josh had us place the crates, that he was making us carry them farther to make a nice picture, Ugh:)

We didn’t realize until after Josh had us place the crates, that he was making us carry them farther to make a nice picture, Ugh:)

Nature assortment.

Nature assortment.


Samuel just came in and said that Socks is having her kittens!! She has been looking like a bowling ball lately so this should be interesting. 🙂

All for now, I’ll post again soon.


Always Busy

Hi Everybody,

I am SO sorry that it has been such a long time since I posted!! We have been crazy busy over the last two months. As many of you know, my brother Josh is marrying Caitlin in September, I am crazy excited! So, combine that with a week of camp, hay season, a full garden, animal care, back porch building, Faith’s birthday 2 weeks ago, Daddy’s Birthday Saturday, and My birthday on Monday!!! Put all of that together and you get a VERY busy couple of months, Oh, and one of our trucks is in the shop too. I hope ya’ll enjoy these next few pictures. Oh, by the way I did not take all of these. Enjoy!

Bos'n and Tootles soon became best friends! They are so cute together.

Bos’n and Tootles soon became best friends! They are so cute together. Bos’n stretched out on the cool garage floor, Tootles decided it would be the perfect place to catch a nap. 

We survived the Jungle Run!!

We survived the Jungle Run!! Life action camp 2015.

Our cat Sally, nursing her 6 kittens. There names are, Nameless #12345 and 6.:)

Our cat Sally, nursing her 6 kittens. Their names are, Nameless #12345 and 6.:)

A beautiful rainbow brightens the dark sky.

A beautiful rainbow brightens the dark sky.

Fairy tale clouds over the woods.

Fairy tale clouds over the woods.

The garden is definitely producing this year!

The garden is definitely producing this year! Mom with a bucket full of collards.

Newest additions to the farm.

Newest additions to the farm. Adorable little ducklings. 

Samuel tubing with our camp family assistant. We had SO much fun!

Samuel tubing with our camp family assistant. We had SO much fun!

God is good!! I’ll post again soon. -GMA:)

New Additions

Hey Everybody,

Guess what, we have some new animals on the farm. First came kittens, Socks had a litter of 7 kittens pictured below. Last week we got 25 meat birds. Then a few days ago we purchased 2 goats, one female and one male. They are Nigerien Dwarf crossed with Pygmy, so they are pretty small. Last night (or very early this morning) our other cat, Sally had 6 kittens (no pics yet I don’t want to scare her) so we are now up to 17 cats and kittens! And to top it all off we are expecting chicks and turkeys tomorrow or the day after!

The guys building the back porch.

The guys building the back porch.

Socks and her new litter of 7 kittens. L to R: Olaf, Bandit, Mittens, Toodles, Chlo, Tom and Pixie.

Socks and her new litter of 7 kittens. L to R: Olaf, Bandit, Mittens, Toodles, Chlo, Tom and Pixie.

The grass in the back field is definitely ready for the first haying.

The grass in the back field is definitely ready for the first haying.

Putting our new goats in their pen (she is heavier than she looks).

Putting our new goats in their pen (she is heavier than she looks).

Our new goats, Frank and Lucy (the white one is Lucy and the brown one is Frank).

Our new goats, Frank and Lucy (the white one is Lucy and the brown one is Frank).

Daniel in his firefighter's dress uniform.

Daniel in his firefighter’s dress uniform.

Socks' new kittens.

Socks’ new kittens.                                                                                                                                                   I hope you enjoyed this post, Grace. 

Pigs and Easter

Easter Family Picture

Easter family picture 2015 – with Caitlin!!

Hi y’all!

Spring has really come here to the farm. These past two weeks, we’ve begun planting vegetables in our garden, and have 8 new piglets and 7 new kittens!

I don’t have any kitten pictures yet 😦 I’ll try to post those next week.

Enjoy these pictures of our piglets!

the Daddy pig - Brat

the Daddy pig – Brat

our 6 new piglets having dinner

Some of our new piglets having dinner.

Aren't they cute?

Aren’t they cute?

the little runt

the little runt



Hi y’all 🙂 Grace here!

Here are some recent pictures from around the farm. I hope you enjoy them!

I took ’em all, except the first two.

recent family photo in front of the barn

recent family photo in front of the barn

Josh and his new fiance, Caitlin!

Josh and his new fiance, Caitlin! Isn’t she beautiful!?!

Sailor, our guard dog

Sailor, our guard dog

Bos'n, Amy's dog

Bos’n, Amy’s dog



Socks in a box

Socks in a box





Farm fresh eggs, all nice and clean!

Farm fresh eggs, all nice and clean!

creek after rain

creek after rain

rocks in the bottom of the creek

rocks in the bottom of the creek

tire tracks in the grass

tire tracks in the grass

battens on the barn

battens on the barn

my feet :-)

my feet 🙂

~Grace (with a little help from Amy) 🙂

Status Update

Hello, everyone!

I’m dreadfully sorry it has been so very long since my last post. Our life has been quite hectic these last months. But God is faithful!

I’ll give you a quick snapshot of where we’re at right now…

Our animal headcount is:

  • 2 dogs – an 18 month old Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd cross guard dog and an 11 month black lab/golden retriever cross, who belongs to me 🙂
  • 4 cats, one of which is quite pregnant
  • 5 Rouen ducks (3 hens and 2 drakes)
  • 3 Hampshire pigs, one boar and two pregnant gilts
  • 41 laying hens – 22 Rhode Island Reds, 18 Black Ostrolorps, and 1 Grey Leghorn
  • 1, six month old Jersey/Angus beef calf

The dogs are primarily mine and Dad’s responsibility. The ducks belong to Faith, the cats to Samuel, the red hens to Grace, and the black ones to Abigail.

The exterior of our barn is nearly done, with just a few more battens to nail up.

Our house continues to be a work in progress, but we are at least making progress 🙂

And now about the blog: I’m in my junior year of high school this year and also preparing for a mission trip this summer so am quite busy. Grace has been honing her photography and writing skills and will be taking over the posting here on the blog.

Stay tuned for some awesome photos from Grace and drop us a comment with any questions that I wasn’t able to answer here.


On Farming

To those considering farming or just wondering why we want to do what we do…this post is for you.

Just like any other job – and really anything in life – there are pros and cons to it. You are probably thinking the obvious – “Farmers are at the mercy of the weather.” While that is most certainly true, there is so much more to farming than just that.

Farmers get pooped on.

Farmers get peed on.

Farmers also deal with vomit and other bodily fluids on almost a daily basis.

They get up with the sun but don’t normally get to go to bed with the sun. Why? A lamb isn’t eating well. The pigs escaped. There are 40-some chicks coming in the morning and there isn’t a spot ready for them. The trees need to be planted before the next storm hits, even if it means staying up ’till midnight.

They also deal with death on a regular basis.

In the 12 months we’ve lived on this farm we’ve lost nearly two dozen chickens and the ram we had bottle-fed since he was less than a day old.

They also deal with the death of trees, crops, fruits, and vegetables.

They spend more money on gas than most of you can even imagine.

Frustration is a frequent visitor to the farm. Tractors, trucks, and vehicles break down. Tools break, go missing, or stop working altogether. The ground can be too wet, too dry, too acidic, or too rocky. Some months find you with a shortage of water for crops or hay for animals. Other months hit you with storm after storm. Even other times you are faced with unpredictable weather. One day it’s 85 degrees and sunny and the next day it’s 38 degrees and storming.

They break their backs planting seed, only to have a torrential rain fall wash it all away.

They miss events that they were looking forward to because an animal is sick or needs attention. When farming is your livelihood, you can’t just take a break whenever you like.

Farming is hard on everyone and everything.


Besides being a mother or father, Farming is one of the most rewarding jobs ever.

The wonder of seeing your siblings (or children’s) faces light up with joy when they get to drive the tractor for the first time.

Looking out the window and being able to say that everything you can see is yours. The sheep grazing on the spring grass. The lambs playing leapfrog in the field. The pigs running in circles when they’re excited. The crazy, hilarious, unpredictable behaviour of the chickens.

All the babies! Lambs, puppies, and piglets just enjoying being alive. Chicks, ducklings, and guinea Keats all scratching in the grass for bugs. All these bring laughter to your life, and remind you of the miracle that life truly is.

The sound of rain on the roof or the sound of a child laughing as he runs through the field.

The delight in the face of a little person when they hold a chick for the first time.

Seeing the green of new life in the spring after a long winter.

The taste of home-grown bacon. That’s a good enough reason to farm in of itself.

The amazement you feel when you step outside at night and see millions of twinkling stars.

The relief of having neighbors that truly care for and about you.

The feeling of satisfaction when you set a meal on your table that wholly consists of things you and your family grew or raised.

The friendly competition that develops between siblings, whether that’s who can grow the biggest watermelon, or who can harvest the most radishes.

And think about it… Farming is necessary! If there were no farmers, there would be no food.

So, to those considering farming or a self-sustaining lifestyle, I have two words.

Do it.

It will be THE hardest thing you’ve ever done. But it is worth it, Every minute of it.

~ Amy

p.s. Thanks to C. A. of inskirtsandwellies for your inspiration for this post!!

Little Birdies

Look what we got!  *grin*


Yep! Chicks! 50 to be exact.
(We actually started with 52 but 2 died.)
48 of them are Rhode Island Reds, 1 is a Grey Leghorn, and 1 is an Ameraucana.


The Grey Leghorn belongs to Grace. She named it Star. It ‘s what you might call a traditional chick. (A bright yellow ball of fluff.)


The Ameraucana belongs to Faith and was promptly dubbed Phoebe.

Samuel had alot of fun helping to put the chicks into their home sweet home!

Here’s one more picture:


Aren’t they cute?
